• Looking for Recruiting Solutions in Trucking

    Searching for top-tier recruiting solutions in the trucking industry? Your quest ends here! We specialize in delivering tailored and effective recruitment solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the trucking sector.

    Whether you’re seeking qualified drivers, logistics professionals, or fleet management experts, our comprehensive services and industry expertise ensure you find the right talent to keep your operations running smoothly. Join us on the road to success with our trucking-specific recruiting solutions.

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  • Recruit Smarter

    We revolutionize the way you find, attract, and retain top talent in the trucking sector. By harnessing the power of intelligent algorithms, targeted outreach, and industry insights, we ensure you make informed decisions, save time, and secure the best candidates

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Recruiting has never been easier!

Connecting with an impressive network of over one million truck drivers on a monthly basis, Lead 2 Hire USA is your trusted partner in the world of motor carrier recruitment. Our mission is simple: to provide motor carriers with a comprehensive suite of driver recruiting solutions that are meticulously designed to elevate the art of quality lead generation across a wide spectrum of channels.

In an industry where talent acquisition is paramount, we’ve honed our expertise to perfection. By tapping into our vast network, we help you pinpoint the most qualified and experienced truck drivers who perfectly match your hiring criteria. Our multifaceted approach spans multiple channels, ensuring that your recruitment efforts leave no stone unturned.

From targeted digital marketing campaigns that leverage the latest industry insights to personalized outreach and engagement, we’re your strategic ally in sourcing the best talent. Our suite of solutions empowers you to attract, engage, and retain top-notch drivers, giving your motor carrier the competitive edge it needs to thrive.

At Lead 2 Hire USA, we don’t just offer recruitment services; we offer recruitment solutions tailored to your success. Join us today to experience the difference and unlock the full potential of your motor carrier recruitment strategy

About Us


Lead 2 Hire USA is building the largest driver community online, while helping carriers connect with qualified drivers right where they are.

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What others say about us

Lori has worked with me for companies I represent on numerous branding projects and social media start ups. I have always been impressed with Lori’s creativity, product and industry knowledge, and efficiency. Most importantly is the enthusiasm she brings to every project. A real pleasure to work with and I highly recommend Lori.

I’ve had the pleasure of working for Lori for 2 years. During that time, she was able to organize the driver hiring team to enable them to meet difficult and challenging goals, timelines and budget constraints. It was Lori’s ability to develop a recruiting strategy and marketing plan as well as overhaul the recruiting process that ensured the successes for the Transportation Team, Supply Chain Organization and ultimately our customers! Lori was able to develop strong relationships with the business and gain credibility quickly which ultimately resulted in creating a high performing team.

Lori brings all of her skills and abilities to the table as a manager. She is reliable and very goal oriented, which inspired our team to do their best always. The other characteristics that make her such a great manager is her analytical capacity and kindness. She knows how to bring the best out of each person and is an outstanding mentor.

Welcome to Lead to Hire USA! We are a dedicated team of recruiting professionals with more than 30 years of combined experience. Let us know how we can serve you!

Lori Furnell

Lori Furnell


Originally from Sherwood, AR, Lori has been in the trucking industry for 34 years showcasing the immense amount of experience she brings.

We asked Lori what her favorite part about the trucking industry. She told us, “I’ve always been fascinated by the people in this industry and the pace at which things happen. Everyday, I have the privilege of meeting great people and learn the stories behind their success. If you have ever worked for a trucking company, you understand that the average person makes hundreds of decisions daily based off minimal information. The longer you are in that environment, projecting results, becomes second nature and yields great energy.”

Her favorite movie is A River Runs Through and when she isn’t curating one of the most interactive trucking communities, she likes to read, travel and make memories with her family and friends!

Favorite quote: “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run” – Babe Ruth

Want to know a random fact about Lori? She was on the intramural championship coed volleyball team in college and never went to a game.

Katy Furnell

Katy Furnell

Client Strategy Manager

Meet Katy Furnell, daughter of Lori Furnell and originally from Sherwood, AR. Katy services as our Client Strategy Manager at Truck Drivers U.S.A. She has been in the industry for about 6 years now and says that her favorite part is “getting to know people and finding the right solution for them!”

Outside of trucking she enjoys baseball and football and watching them with her grandpa. She loves being crafty and making things with her Cricut. She is a NCA college National Cheerleader Champion; “GO BEARS!”

Her favorite movie is “The Sound of Music”.

Favorite quote: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth

Keith "KP" Pollard

Keith "KP" Pollard

National Sales Executive

Meet Keith Pollard, our National Sales Executive here!

Keith has been in the trucking industry for 37 years and his favorite part is building long-lasting relationships and friendships. When he is not doing all things trucking, he enjoys boating and fishing, hunting traveling, and going to the beach!

His favorite show is The Andy Griffin Show. His favorite quote is “If you can’t close you can’t tell.” by Zig Ziglar.

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